Printer Object
Printer.IndentFirst = varValue
Returns or sets an additional left indent for the first line of each paragraphs, in twips.
This property is mainly useful for creating hanging indents for bullet or numbered lists. To create hanging indents, set IndentFirst to a negative value (-x) and IndentTab to the same value, but positive (x).
See Also
Sub Main
Dim i As Integer
Const s As String = "testtext"
   'Printer object activeren:
   If Not Printer.Init() Then End
   'set 1/4 inch hanging indent
   Printer.IndentLeft = "0.25in"
   Printer.IndentTab = Printer.IndentLeft
   Printer.IndentFirst = -Printer.IndentLeft
   'create a list with 10 items
   For i = 1 To 10
      Printer.Paragraph i & "." & vbTab & "This is item " & i & ". " & s
   'afdrukken gereed, object afsluiten
End Sub