Internet Object
Internet.StoreURL( URLName, FileName[, FormData][, Headers][, TimeOut])
Downloads the specified web page, and stores it in the specified file. The optional FormData parameter allows so-called POST calls for URLName. This is where the parameters are specified. With a GET call, FormData is not needed: then in URLName the parameter string is part of the web page to be requested....
The file can be read for processing in subsequent routines, or opened for local use.
A variable or expression that evaluates to the Web server's URL.
The name of the file that stores the data being downloaded.
Optional. Required on so-called POST calls to execute. Contains field names and values to be sent as parameters.
Optional. A string that contains additional HTTP headers to send to the server. These headers are added to the standard Windows Internet Explorer headers. For example, Headers can contain the server's required actions, the type of data, or a status code.
Optional. Default value: 30 seconds. Specifies the maximum time to wait for response from the server.
Asynchronous operation
If 0 (zero), the timeout function is disabled. Internally, the StoreURL command switches to asynchronous operation. Progress is monitored via underlying StateChanged events. Once the download is complete or an error has occurred, the StoreURL is terminated. Incidentally, there is still a maximum timeout for asynchronous operation: 3600 seconds.
See Also
Sub Main
   Const HTMLbufferfile As String = "C:\MijnTelefoonnummer.htm"
   Const Titel = "Checking number via internet"
   Dim MyURL As String, TelZoek As String
   Dim Hnd As Long, Buffer As String
   Dim TelNr As String, Naam As String
   Dim Adres As String, PCode As String, Plaats As String
   Dim Info As String, Fax As String
‘Step 1: enter the phone number to be searched for
   Restart: TelZoek = ""
   Do While Not IsNumeric(TelZoek)
      TelZoek = InputBox$("Enter phone number:", Titel)
      If Len(TelZoek) = 0 Then End
      If Len(TelZoek)<10 Then
         MsgBox "Telnr must be at least 10 digits!",vbExclamation, Titel
      End If
‘Step 2: valid number is entered, process in URL of website
   MyURL= "" & TelZoek
‘Step 3: Run the URL and save the output to a file
   Internet.StoreURL MyURL, HTMLbufferfile
‘Step 4: read the file and place the contents In a buffer
   Hnd = FreeFile
   Open HTMLbufferfile For Binary Access Read As #Hnd
   Buffer = Space$(LOF(Hnd))
   Get #Hnd, , Buffer
   Close #Hnd
‘Step 5: filter fields from the Buffer (are stored in TDs)
'        and repeat this until no more numbers are found
‘        (as there can be multiple naw's attached to 1 number)
   TelNr = FilterTD(Buffer, "telnr")
   Naam = FilterTD(Buffer, "naam", True)
   Adres = FilterTD(Buffer, "adres", True)
   PCode = FilterTD(Buffer, "postcode", True)
   Plaats = FilterTD(Buffer, "plaats", True)
   Info = FilterTD(Buffer, "info", True)
   Fax = FilterTD(Buffer, "fax", True)
   If Len(TelNr) >0 Then
      ‘found, then add the buffer
       MsgBox "Telefoon: " & TelNr & vbCrLf _
         & "Naam: " & Naam & vbCrLf _
         & "Adres: " & Adres & vbCrLf _
         & "Postcode: " & PCode & vbCrLf _
         & "Plaats: " & Plaats & vbCrLf _
         & "Info: " & Info & vbCrLf _
         & "Fax: " & Fax & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
         & "(gedownload via internet)" , vbInformation _
         ,"Informatie gevonden!"
      TelNr = FilterTD(Buffer, "telnr", True)
      If Len(TelNr) > 0 Then
         GoTo Volgende
      ElseIf MsgBox("Wilt u opnieuw zoeken?",vbQuestion + vbYesNo _
                     + vbDefaultButton2, Titel) = vbYes Then
         GoTo Restart
      End If
      If MsgBox("Er zijn geen telefoonnummers gevonden" & vbCrLf _
                & "Wilt u opnieuw zoeken?",vbExclamation + vbYesNo _
                + vbDefaultButton2, Titel) = vbYes Then
         GoTo Restart
      End If
   End If
End Sub
Function FilterTD(Buffer As String, FieldName As String _
                 , Optional Repeated As Boolean = False) As String
   Static Offset As Long
   Dim x As Long, y As Long, z As Long
   If Repeated= False Then Offset = 1
   FilterTD = ""
   ‘look up title field in the table definition of the web page
   x = InStr(Offset, LCase$(Buffer), "<td>" & LCase$(FieldName) & ":</td>")
   If x > 0 Then
      ‘found, search for the next column in the table
      y = InStr(x + 10, LCase$(Buffer), "<td>")
      If y > 0 Then
        ‘found, then look up the end of the column
        y = y + 4
        z = InStr(y, LCase$(Buffer), "</td>")
        If z > 0 Then
           ‘gevonden, dan de data uit deze kolom filteren
           FilterTD = Mid$(Buffer$, y, z - y)
           Offset = z + 5
        End If
      End If
    End If
End Function