Programming Reference Manual
[ | Private | Public ] _
Type name
    elem [([dim[, ...]])] As [New] type
End Type
Define a new usertype. Each elem defines an element of the type for storing data. As [New] type defines the type of data that can be stored. A user defined type variable has a value for each elem. Use .elem to access individual element values.
Type defaults to Public if neither Private or Public is specified.
See Also
Type Employee
    FirstName As String
    LastName As String
    Title As String
    Salary As Double
End Type
Sub Main
    Dim e As Employee
    e.FirstName = "John"
    e.LastName = "Doe"
    e.Title = "President"
    e.Salary = 100000
    Debug.Print e.FirstName '"John"
    Debug.Print e.LastName  '"Doe"
    Debug.Print e.Title     '"President"
    Debug.Print e.Salary    ' 100000
End Sub