DAO Object
Error object contains details about data access errors, each of which pertains to a single operation involving DAO.


Any operation involving DAO can generate one or more errors. For example, a call to an ODBC server might result in an error from the database server, an error from ODBC, and a DAO error. As each such error occurs, an Error object is placed in the Errors collection of the DBEngine object. A single event can therefore result in several Error objects appearing in the Errors collection.
When a subsequent DAO operation generates an error, the Errors collection is cleared, and one or more new Error objects are placed in the Errors collection. DAO operations that don't generate an error have no effect on the Errors collection.
The set of Error objects in the Errors collection describes one error. The first Error object is the lowest level error (the originating error), the second the next higher level error, and so forth. For example, if an ODBC error occurs while trying to open a Recordset object, the first Error object— Errors(0)— contains the lowest level ODBC error; subsequent errors contain the ODBC errors returned by the various layers of ODBC. In this case, the ODBC driver manager, and possibly the driver itself, return separate Error objects. The last Error object— Errors.Count-1— contains the DAO error indicating that the object couldn't be opened.
Enumerating the specific errors in the Errors collection enables your error-handling routines to more precisely determine the cause and origin of an error, and take appropriate steps to recover. You can read the Error object's properties to obtain specific details about each error, including:
When programming in Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), if you use the New keyword to create an object that subsequently causes an error before that object has been appended to a collection, the DBEngine object's Errors collection won't contain an entry for that object's error, because the new object is not associated with the DBEngine object. However, the error information is available in the VBA Err object. Your VBA error-handling code should examine the Errors collection whenever you anticipate a data access error.
If you are writing a centralized error handler, test the VBA Err object to determine if the error information in the Errors collection is valid. If the Number property of the last element of the Errors collection (DBEngine.Errors.Count - 1) and the value of the Err object match, you can then use a series of Select Case statements to identify the particular DAO error or errors that occurred. If they do not match, use the Refresh method on the Errors collection.



This example forces an error, traps it, and displays the DescriptionNumberSourceHelpContext, and HelpFile properties of the resulting Error object.
Sub DescriptionX()
   Dim dbsTest As Database
   On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
   ' Intentionally trigger an error.
   Set dbsTest = OpenDatabase("NoDatabase")
   Exit Sub
   Dim strError As String
   Dim errLoop As Error
   ' Enumerate Errors collection and display properties of 
   ' each Error object.
   For Each errLoop In Errors
      With errLoop
         strError = _
            "Error #" & .Number & vbCr
         strError = strError & _
            "  " & .Description & vbCr
         strError = strError & _
            "  (Source: " & .Source & ")" & vbCr
         strError = strError & _
            "Press F1 to see topic " & .HelpContext & vbCr
         strError = strError & _
            "  in the file " & .HelpFile & "."
      End With
      MsgBox strError
   Resume Next
End Sub