DAO Object
Parameter object represents a value supplied to a query. The parameter is associated with a QueryDef object created from a parameter query.


Parameter objects allow you to change the arguments in a frequently run QueryDef object without having to recompile the query.
Using the properties of a Parameter object, you can set a query parameter that can be changed before the query is run. You can:


NOTE: ODBCDirect workspaces are not supported in Microsoft Access 2013. Use ADO if you want to access external data sources without using the Microsoft Access database engine.
Sets or returns a value that indicates whether a Parameter object represents an input parameter, an output parameter, both, or the return value from the procedure (ODBCDirect workspaces only).
Returns the name of the specified object. Read-only String.
Returns the Properties collection of the specified object. Read-only.
Sets or returns a value that indicates the operational type or data type of an object. Read/write Integer.
Sets or returns the value of an object. Read/write Variant.


This example demonstrates Parameter objects and the Parameters collection by creating a temporary QueryDef and retrieving data based on changes made to the QueryDef object's Parameters. The ParametersChange procedure is required for this procedure to run.
Sub ParameterX()
     Dim dbsNorthwind As Database
     Dim qdfReport As QueryDef
     Dim prmBegin As Parameter
     Dim prmEnd As Parameter
     Set dbsNorthwind = OpenDatabase("Northwind.mdb")
     ' Create temporary QueryDef object with two
     ' parameters.
     Set qdfReport = dbsNorthwind.CreateQueryDef("", _
     "PARAMETERS dteBegin DateTime, dteEnd DateTime; " & _
     "SELECT EmployeeID, COUNT(OrderID) AS NumOrders " & _
     "FROM Orders WHERE ShippedDate BETWEEN " & _
     "[dteBegin] AND [dteEnd] GROUP BY EmployeeID " & _
     "ORDER BY EmployeeID")
     Set prmBegin = qdfReport.Parameters!dteBegin
     Set prmEnd = qdfReport.Parameters!dteEnd
     ' Print report using specified parameter values.
     ParametersChange qdfReport, prmBegin, #1/1/95#, _
     prmEnd, #6/30/95#
     ParametersChange qdfReport, prmBegin, #7/1/95#, _
     prmEnd, #12/31/95#
    End Sub
    Sub ParametersChange(qdfTemp As QueryDef, _
     prmFirst As Parameter, dteFirst As Date, _
     prmLast As Parameter, dteLast As Date)
     ' Report function for ParameterX.
     Dim rstTemp As Recordset
     Dim fldLoop As Field
     ' Set parameter values and open recordset from
     ' temporary QueryDef object.
     prmFirst = dteFirst
     prmLast = dteLast
     Set rstTemp = _
     Debug.Print "Period " & dteFirst & " to " & dteLast
     ' Enumerate recordset.
     Do While Not rstTemp.EOF
     ' Enumerate Fields collection of recordset.
     For Each fldLoop In rstTemp.Fields
     Debug.Print " - " & fldLoop.Name & " = " & fldLoop;
     Next fldLoop
End Sub