Programming Reference Manual
Function dialogfunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue%) _
     As Boolean
    Select Case Action%
    Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
    Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
    Case 3 ' TextBox or ComboBox text changed
    Case 4 ' Focus changed
    Case 5 ' Idle
    Case 6 ' Function key
    End Select
End Function
A dialogfunc implements the dynamic dialog capabilities.
This string value is the name of the user dialog item's field.
This numeric value indicates what action the dialog function is being asked to do.
This numeric value provides additional information for some actions, for example for use with DlgSetFont.
Dialog box initialization. DlgItem is a null string. SuppValue is the dialog's window handle. Set dialogfunc = True to terminate the dialog.
CheckBox, DropListBox, ListBox, MultiListBox or OptionGroup:
DlgItem's value has changed. SuppValue is the new value.
CancelButton, OKButton or PushButton:
DlgItem's button was pushed. SuppValue is meaningless. Set dialogfunc = True to prevent the dialog from closing.
ComboBox or TextBox:
DlgItem's text changed and losing focus. SuppValue is the number of characters.
Item DlgItem is gaining focus. SuppValue is the item that is losing focus. (The first item is 0, second is 1, etc.)
Idle processing. DlgItem is a null string. SuppValue is zero. Set dialogfunc = True to continue receiving idle actions. The idle action is called as often as possible. Use Wait .1 to reduce the number of idle calls to 10 per second.
Function key (F1-F24) was pressed. DlgItem has the focus. SuppValue is the function key number and the shift/control/alt key state.
Regular function keys range from 1 to 24.
Shift function keys have &H100 added.
Control function keys have &H200 added.
Alt function keys have &H400 added.
(Alt-F4 closes the dialog and is never passed to the Dialog Function.)
See Also
Sub Main
    Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
        Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
        TextBox 10,40,180,15,.Text
        OKButton 30,90,60,20
        PushButton 110,90,60,20,"&Hello"
    End Dialog
    Dim dlg As UserDialog
    Debug.Print Dialog(dlg)
End Sub
Function DialogFunc%(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue%)
    Debug.Print "Action=";Action%
    Debug.Print DlgItem$;"=""";DlgText$(DlgItem$);""""
    Debug.Print "SuppValue=";SuppValue%
    Select Case Action%
    Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
    Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
        If DlgItem$ = "Hello" Then
            MsgBox "Hello"
            DialogFunc% = True 'do not exit the dialog
        End If
    Case 4 ' Focus changed
        Debug.Print "DlgFocus=""";DlgFocus();""""
    Case 6 ' Function key
        If SuppValue And &H100 Then Debug.Print "Shift-";
        If SuppValue And &H200 Then Debug.Print "Ctrl-";
        If SuppValue And &H400 Then Debug.Print "Alt-";
        Debug.Print "F" & (SuppValue And &HFF)
    End Select
End Function