Programming Reference Manual
DlgValue DlgItem|$, Value
Instruction: Set the numeric value(s) DlgItem|$.
Function: Return the numeric value(s) for DlgItem|$. (A MultiListBox user dialog item returns an array.)
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a dialogfunc.  The DlgItem|$ should refer to a CheckBox, ComboBox, DropListBox, ListBox, MultiListBox or OptionGroup.
If this is a numeric value then it is the dialog item number. The first item is 0, second is 1, etc. If this is a string value then it is the dialog item's field name.
Set the text of DlgItem|$ to this numeric value. (A MultiListBox user dialog item uses an array.)
See Also
Sub Main
    Begin Dialog UserDialog 150,147,.DialogFunc
        GroupBox 10,7,130,77,"Direction",.Field1
        PushButton 100,28,30,21,"&Up"
        PushButton 100,56,30,21,"&Dn"
        OptionGroup .Direction
            OptionButton 20,21,80,14,"&North",.North
            OptionButton 20,35,80,14,"&South",.South
            OptionButton 20,49,80,14,"&East",.East
            OptionButton 20,63,80,14,"&West",.West
        OKButton 10,91,130,21
        CancelButton 10,119,130,21
    End Dialog
    Dim dlg As UserDialog
    Dialog dlg
    MsgBox "Direction=" & dlg.Direction
End Sub
Function DialogFunc%(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue%)
    Select Case Action%
    Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
    Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
        Select Case DlgItem$
        Case "Up"
            DlgValue "Direction",0
            DialogFunc% = True 'do not exit the dialog
        Case "Dn"
            DlgValue "Direction",1
            DialogFunc% = True 'do not exit the dialog
        End Select
    End Select
End Function