SFTP Object
SFTP.AuthFailReason As Long   (read-only)
Set to one of the following values if a call to AuthenticatePw, AuthenticatePk, or AuthenticatePwPk returns a failed status.
  • 1: Transport failure. This is a failure to communicate with the server (i.e. the connection was lost, or a read or write failed or timed out).
  • 2: Invalid key for public key authentication. The key was not a valid format, not a valid key, not a private key, or not the right type of key.
  • 3: No matching authentication methods were available.
  • 4: SSH authentication protocol error - an unexpected or invalid message was received.
  • 5: The incorrect password or private key was provided.
  • 6: Already authenticated. The SSH session is already authenticated.
  • 7: Password change request: The server requires the password to be changed.
See Also