SFTP Object
SFTP.HostKeyFingerprint As String  (read-only)
Returns the MD5 host key fingerprint of the server, which is automatically set after connecting to an SSH/SFTP server. Depending on the host key type, the format of the MD5 fingerprint looks like this:
ssh-rsa 2048 68:ff:d1:4e:6c:ff:d7:b0:d6:58:73:85:07:bc:2e:d5
ssh-dss 2048 68:ff:d1:4e:6c:ff:d7:b0:d6:58:73:85:07:bc:2e:d5
ssh-ed25519 68:ff:d1:4e:6c:ff:d7:b0:d6:58:73:85:07:bc:2e:d5
ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 256 a3:09:05:b5:81:79:5d:33:e1:1a:82:c7:cb:ba:93:ea
Note: To get the SHA256 host key fingerprint, use the GetHostKeyFP method
See Also

Sub Main
Dim hostname As String
hostname = "sftp.example.com"
Dim port As Long
port = 22
Dim success As Long
success = sftp.Connect(hostname,port)
If (success <> 1) Then
    Debug.Print sftp.LastErrorText
    Exit Sub
End If
' Get the classic MD5 fingeprint
Dim md5_fingerprint As String
md5_fingerprint = sftp.HostKeyFingerprint
Debug.Print md5_fingerprint
' Sample output:
' ssh-rsa 3072 21:b0:d8:41:4e:ef:78:10:20:af:01:b7:71:5d:eb:94
' Starting in Chilkat v9.5.0.92, we can also get the SHA256 fingerprint.
' (it is also possible to get fingerprints using other hash algorithms such as SHA384, SHA512, etc.)
Dim includeKeyType As Long
includeKeyType = 1
Dim includeHashName As Long
includeHashName = 1
Dim sha256_fingerprint As String
sha256_fingerprint = sftp.GetHostKeyFP("SHA256",includeKeyType,includeHashName)
Debug.Print sha256_fingerprint
' Sample output:
' ssh-rsa SHA256:Ufgj480OsdsCZRjj9sSNM6fpgIcSJ61RsIG8usndUIY=
' The key type and hash name can be optionally included or not.
includeKeyType = 0
includeHashName = 1
sha256_fingerprint = sftp.GetHostKeyFP("SHA256",includeKeyType,includeHashName)
Debug.Print sha256_fingerprint
' SHA256:Ufgj480OsdsCZRjj9sSNM6fpgIcSJ61RsIG8usndUIY=
includeKeyType = 1
includeHashName = 0
sha256_fingerprint = sftp.GetHostKeyFP("SHA256",includeKeyType,includeHashName)
Debug.Print sha256_fingerprint
' ssh-rsa Ufgj480OsdsCZRjj9sSNM6fpgIcSJ61RsIG8usndUIY=
includeKeyType = 0
includeHashName = 0
sha256_fingerprint = sftp.GetHostKeyFP("SHA256",includeKeyType,includeHashName)
Debug.Print sha256_fingerprint
' Ufgj480OsdsCZRjj9sSNM6fpgIcSJ61RsIG8usndUIY=
End Sub