SFTP Object
SFTP.ContinueKeyboardAuth(response As String) As String
Continues keyboard-interactive authentication with the SSH server. The response is typically the password. If multiple responses are required (because there were multiple prompts in the infoRequest XML returned by StartKeyboardAuth), then the response should be formatted as XML (as shown below) otherwise the response simply contains the single response string:
    <response1>response to first prompt</response1>
    <response2>response to second prompt</response2>
    <responseN>response to Nth prompt</responseN>
If the interactive authentication completed with success or failure, the XML response will be:
If additional steps are required to complete the interactive authentication, then an XML string that provides the name, instruction, and prompts is returned. The XML has the following format:
<infoRequest numPrompts="N">
    <prompt1 echo="1_or_0">prompt_string</prompt1>
    <promptN echo="1_or_0">prompt_string</promptN>
Returns Nothing on failure
See Also