SFTP Object
SFTP.ReadFileText32(handle As String, ByVal offset As Long, ByVal numBytes As Long, charset As String) As String
This method is identical to ReadFileBytes32 except for one thing: The bytes are interpreted according to the specified charset (i.e. the character encoding) and returned as a string. A list of supported charset values may be found on this page: Supported Charsets.
Note: If the charset is an encoding where a single character might be represented in multiple bytes (such as utf-8, Shift_JIS, etc.) then there is a risk that the very last character may be partially read. This is because the method specifies the number of bytes to read, not the number of characters. This is never a problem with character encodings that use a single byte per character, such as all of the iso-8859-* encodings, or the Windows-* encodings.
Returns Nothing on failure
See Also