The Edit menu provides the normal options.
Item Description
Undo Undo the last edit.
Hot Key: Ctrl+Z
Redo Redo the last undo.
Hot Key: Ctrl+Y
Cut Move the selected text to the Clipboard.
Hot Key: Ctrl+X
Copy Copy the selected text to the Clipboard.
Hot Key: Ctrl+C
Paste Paste the Clipboard text over the selected text.
Hot Key: Ctrl+V
Delete Delete the selected text.
Hot Key: Del
Select All Select all of the text.
Hot Key: Ctrl+A
Find... Find a string.
Hot Key: Ctrl+F
Replace... Replace a string with another.
Hot Key: Ctrl+R
Again Repeat last find or replace.
Hot Key: F3
Complete Word Complete the word.
Hot Key: Ctrl+Space
Parameter Info Show the parameter information.
Hot Key: Ctrl+I
Hot Key: Ctrl+Shift+E
Hot Key: Ctrl+Shift+W
SQL Query... Edit or create a database query (see
Edit SQL)
Hot Key: Ctrl+Shift+Q
Properties Edit the module's properties.