Programming Reference Manual
The toolbutton bar hold many of the menu commands plus some additonal commands. All these commands are listed below in the same order of the toolbutton bar. Most commands can be executed directly from the keyboard with special function keys:
New macro  (Ctrl + N)
Open file  (Ctrl + O)
Save file  (Ctrl + S)
Save All sheets  (Ctrl + Shift + S)
Close active sheet  (Ctrl + F4)
Close All sheets
Print  (Ctrl + P)
Cut  (Ctrl + X)
Copy  (Ctrl + C)
Paste  (Ctrl + V)
Find  (Ctrl + F)
Undo  (Ctrl + Z)
Redo  (Ctrl + Y)
Run  (F5)
Pause  (Esc)
Restart  (Ctrl + F5)
Clear all breaks  (Ctrl + Shift + F9)
Evaluate expression  (Shift + F9)
Add watch  (Ctrl + F9)
Show next statement  (Ctrl + Shift + F2)
Set next statement  (Ctrl + F2)
Step into  (F8)
Step over  (Shift + F8)
Step out  (Ctrl + F8)
Step to cursor  (Ctrl + F7)
Edit userdialog  (Ctrl + Shift + E)
Edit web form (Ctrl + Shift + W)
Edit SQL  (Ctrl + Shift + Q)
Comment block  (Ctrl + ' )
Uncomment block  (Ctrl + Shift + ' )
Format code  (Ctrl + Shift + R)