Report Designer Reference Manual

It is possible to select a design scheme in order to quickly achieve optically appealing results. Diverse pre-defined schemes are available in the list. This option is the project-global pre-setting and is available in the objects via the "Project Design Scheme" item.

Under the "User Defined" option there is a "…" button available for users to specify a design scheme. This scheme is then provided in the objects via the "User Defined" option.





Color Foreground

Ten scheme colors for the foreground: available in objects as LL.Scheme.Color0…9 

The color can be defined freely using a color dialog, a selection list with predefined colors or using a formula or function ("Formula" option at the end of the list). Use the RGB() or HSL() function for a function.

Color dialog

Selection of predefined colors and formula wizard

Color Background

Four scheme colors for the background: can also be selected in the objects as LL.Scheme.BackgroundColor0…3.

Color dialog

Selection of predefined colors and formula wizard

Set To

If you select a design scheme here, the fore- and background colors are reset to the colors of the selected design scheme.



Figure 13.4: Adjust Design Scheme