Report Designer Reference Manual

The "Color" property allows you to determine the font and background colors. For a background color, you will also need to set the "Background" property to a value >0, e.g. to "Sample/fixed color".

The color can be chosen from a fixed, predefined list of colors via a selection list or freely chosen via a formula or function. A dialog is available for defining the color.

Figure 13.5: Color dialog






You can define the color in a color dialog.

In the dialog, you can choose the color from a list of fixed predefined colors or specify your own color by means of a formula or a function ("Formula" entry at the end of the list).

(1) With the HSL() function, you define the color by specifying the hue value (0-360), the saturation value (0-1) and the lightness value (0-1).

(2) The RGB() function defines a color by means of red, green and blue values. Each color portion can have a value between 0 and 255.

Color dialog

Selection of predefined colors and formula wizard