DAO Object
Sets or returns the number of records retrieved from an ODBC data source that will be cached locally. Read/write Long.


expression .CacheSize
expression A variable that represents a Recordset object.


The value of the CacheSize property must be between 5 and 1200, but not greater than available memory will allow. A typical value is 100. A setting of 0 turns off caching.
Data caching improves performance if you use Recordset objects to retrieve data from a remote server. A cache is a space in local memory that holds the data most recently retrieved from the server; this is useful if users request the data again while the application is running. When users request data, the Microsoft Access database engine checks the cache for the requested data first rather than retrieving it from the server, which takes more time. The cache only saves data that comes from an ODBC data source.
Any Microsoft Access database engine-connected ODBC data source, such as a linked table, can have a local cache. To create the cache, open a Recordset object from the remote data source, set the CacheSize and CacheStart properties, and then use the FillCache method, or step through the records by using the Move methods.
You can base the CacheSize property setting on the number of records your application can handle at one time. For example, if you're using a Recordset object as the source of the data to be displayed on screen, you could set its CacheSize property to 20 to display 20 records at one time.
The Microsoft Access database engine requests records within the cache range from the cache, and it requests records outside the cache range from the server.
Records retrieved from the cache don't reflect concurrent changes that other users made to the source data.
To force an update of all the cached data, set the CacheSize property of the Recordset object to 0, re-set it to the size of the cache you originally requested, and then use the FillCache method.


This example uses the CreateTableDef and FillCache methods and the CacheSizeCacheStart and SourceTableName properties to enumerate the records in a linked table twice. Then it enumerates the records twice with a 50-record cache. The example then displays the performance statistics for the uncached and cached runs through the linked table.
Sub ClientServerX3()
     Dim dbsCurrent As Database
     Dim tdfRoyalties As TableDef
     Dim rstRemote As Recordset
     Dim sngStart As Single
     Dim sngEnd As Single
     Dim sngNoCache As Single
     Dim sngCache As Single
     Dim intLoop As Integer
     Dim strTemp As String
     Dim intRecords As Integer
     ' Open a database to which a linked table can be
     ' appended.
     Set dbsCurrent = OpenDatabase("DB1.mdb")
     ' Create a linked table that connects to a Microsoft SQL
     ' Server database.
     Set tdfRoyalties = _
     ' Note: The DSN referenced below must be set to
     ' use Microsoft Windows NT Authentication Mode to
     ' authorize user access to the Microsoft SQL Server.
     tdfRoyalties.Connect = _
     tdfRoyalties.SourceTableName = "roysched"
     dbsCurrent.TableDefs.Append tdfRoyalties
     Set rstRemote = _
     With rstRemote
     ' Enumerate the Recordset object twice and record
     ' the elapsed time.
     sngStart = Timer
     For intLoop = 1 To 2
     Do While Not .EOF
     ' Execute a simple operation for the
     ' performance test.
     strTemp = !title_id
     Next intLoop
     sngEnd = Timer
     sngNoCache = sngEnd - sngStart
     ' Cache the first 50 records.
     .CacheSize = 50
     sngStart = Timer
     ' Enumerate the Recordset object twice and record
     ' the elapsed time.
     For intLoop = 1 To 2
     intRecords = 0
     Do While Not .EOF
     ' Execute a simple operation for the
     ' performance test.
     strTemp = !title_id
     ' Count the records. If the end of the
     ' cache is reached, reset the cache to the
     ' next 50 records.
     intRecords = intRecords + 1
     If intRecords Mod 50 = 0 Then
     .CacheStart = .Bookmark
     End If
     Next intLoop
     sngEnd = Timer
     sngCache = sngEnd - sngStart
     ' Display performance results.
     MsgBox "Caching Performance Results:" & vbCr & _
     " No cache: " & Format(sngNoCache, _
     "##0.000") & " seconds" & vbCr & _
     " 50-record cache: " & Format(sngCache, _
     "##0.000") & " seconds"
     End With
     ' Delete linked table because this is a demonstration.
     dbsCurrent.TableDefs.Delete tdfRoyalties.Name
End Sub