DAO Object
Returns a value that indicates whether a Recordset object supports the Requery method, which re-executes the query on which the Recordset object is based.


expression .Restartable
expression A variable that represents a Recordset object.


Table-type Recordset objects always return False.
Check the Restartable property before using the Requery method on a Recordset object. If the object's Restartable property is set to False, use the OpenRecordset method on the underlying QueryDef object to re-execute the query.


This example demonstrates the Restartable property with different Recordset objects.
Sub RestartableX()
     Dim dbsNorthwind As Database
     Dim rstTemp As Recordset
     Set dbsNorthwind = OpenDatabase("Northwind.mdb")
     With dbsNorthwind
     ' Open a table-type Recordset and print its
     ' Restartable property.
     Set rstTemp = .OpenRecordset("Employees", dbOpenTable)
     Debug.Print _
     "Table-type recordset from Employees table"
     Debug.Print " Restartable = " & rstTemp.Restartable
     ' Open a Recordset from an SQL statement and print its
     ' Restartable property.
     Set rstTemp = _
     .OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Employees")
     Debug.Print "Recordset based on SQL statement"
     Debug.Print " Restartable = " & rstTemp.Restartable
     ' Open a Recordset from a saved QueryDef object and
     ' print its Restartable property.
     Set rstTemp = .OpenRecordset("Current Product List")
     Debug.Print _
     "Recordset based on permanent QueryDef (" & _
     rstTemp.Name & ")"
     Debug.Print " Restartable = " & rstTemp.Restartable
     End With
End Sub