Report Designer Reference Manual

Examples of some selected functions are explained below.

See also:

Convert a Number to a String With Str$()

Convert a String to a Number With Val().

Convert a String to a Date With Date()

Convert a String to a Barcode With Barcode()

Convert a String to a Picture With Drawing()

Truncate Strings

Formatting a Data Value With Date$()

Formatting a Date Value Individually with Locale$()

Formatting a Number Value With Fstr$()

Formatting Currencies With LocCurrL$() or LocCurr$()

Page Numbers With Page$() or Page()

Counting Values With Count()

Only Count Certain Values With CountIf()

Totaling With Sum()

Obtaining User Input via a Dialog With AskString$()

Appearance Conditions With Lastpage()

Logical Conditions With Cond()

Working With Null Values