Report Designer Reference Manual

Date, Numeric, String and Boolean fields have virtual formula variables for different formatting. Thus, you can e.g. directly output the year of a date or a numerical value with 2 decimal places without defining the corresponding expression.

The following variables are available:

Date: Year (Year()), Quarter (Quarter()), Month (Month()), Day (Day()), localized Date (LocDate$()), localized Time (LocTime$()).

Numeric: Localized (LocNumber$()), Localized, 1 decimal place (LocNumber$(,"",1)), Localized 2 decimal places (LocNumber$(,"",2)), Currency with currency symbol (LocCurrL$()) or With Sign (Cstr$(, "%+d")) for data types without decimal places.

String: First letter (Left$(,1)), Upper case (Upper$()), Lower case (Lower$()).

Boolean: Yes/No, True/False, 0/1 (each as an If() condition).

Figure 10.2: Virtual Formula Variables