SQL Object
SQL.FormattedPrint Param
Prints a text on the default selected printer accompanied by Tradium formatting codes.
Alphanumeric, text with formatting codes. These codes are translated to the printer.
Specificatie opmaakcodes:
save current horizontal position
save current vertical position
reset saved horizontal position
reset stored vertical position
set printer for portrait printing
set printer to landscape printing
set font size to 12 points
set font size to 10 points
{faton}, {boldon}
turn on boldface
turn off boldface
Underline turn off
set font size at 7 points
set font size to 12 points
Set font size to 18 points, with bold font also turned on
Set font size to 12 points, with bold font also turned off
turn on italics
Turn off italics
new line/paragraph
new page
end of document (printing completed)
to beginning of current line (carriage return)
To next line (line feed)
current date in text format
current date in numeric format
current time in hours:minutes
insert variable text via input box function, where caption is the text for the input box
set font size to points
font set to name
tabulator function, jumps in num positions based on the current font
tabulator function, jumps in num positions, based on a fixed, non-proportional, font (Courier New, bold, 12 points), which is overeenkomt met 80 tekens per regel
moves the current position mm millimeters up
moves the current position mm millimeters down
moves the current position mm millimeters to the left
moves the current position mm millimeters to the right
draws a horizontal line of mm millimeters, from the current position. If mm has the value 0, the line is extended all the way to the right. With this function, the horizontal position remains unchanged
draws a vertical line of mm millimeters, from the current position. If mm has the value 0, the line is drawn all the way down
Prints text in a framed area, from the current horizontal and vertical position,
where the width (xx) and height (yy) is determined in characters, counted using the same fixed-font settings as the {ftab:num} function. The function also provides word hyphenation
See Also
Sub Main
Const FPRT_CRLF = "{crlf}"
Const FPRT_FATON = "{faton}"
Const FPRT_FATOFF = "{fatoff}"
Const FPRT_ITAON = "{itaon}"
Const FPRT_ITAOFF = "{itaoff}"
Const T0 = "{ftab:5}"
Const curCashAmount As Currency = 123.45
FormattedPrint "{fname:Arial}{fsize:11}"
FormattedPrint FPRT_CRLF & FPRT_CRLF & _
               FPRT_CRLF & FPRT_CRLF FormattedPrint T0 & FPRT_FATON & _
               "{datum,t}" & FPRT_FATOFF & FPRT_CRLF
FormattedPrint "{hline:0}" ‘streep maken
FormattedPrint T0 & "Bijlage voor ritlijst: KASVERANTWOORDINGSTAAT" & _
               FPRT_CRLF & FPRT_CRLF
FormattedPrint T0 & "Totaal afdragen aan de kassier: " & FPRT_FATON & _
               Format$(curCashAmount, "0.00") & _
FormattedPrint "{hline:0}" ‘streep maken
FormattedPrint T0 & FPRT_ITAON Opmerkingen: " & FPRT_ITAOFF & _
               FPRT_CRLF & FPRT_CRLF
‘tekstregels voor handschrift maken
For x = 1 To 17
   FormattedPrint T0 & String$(70, "_") & FPRT_CRLF & FPRT_CRLF
Next x
FormattedPrint "{hline:0}" ‘streep maken
FormattedPrint FPRT_CRLF & FPRT_CRLF & T0 _
               & "Handtekening afdracht kasgeld:" & _
               FPRT_CRLF & FPRT_CRLF & FPRT_CRLF
FormattedPrint T0 & "-------------------" & FPRT_CRLF
FormattedPrint "{EOD}"
End Sub