SQL Object
SQL.PrintWordDocument(FileName[, Copies][, PrinterName][, Orientation][, Paperbin] _
                     [, PrintQuality][, Duplex][, ColorMode][, PaperSize])
Place the .DOC or .RTF document in the TRADIUM print queue.
From the queue, the document is opened a in Microsoft Word or in the internal TRADIUM Word Processor (depending on what the document was edited in) and then sent to the specified printer.
If no printer is specified, the document is printed on the currently selected default printer in Tradium.
Returns value TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
This function can also be used to export documents to another format file. This is similar to the Save As functionality in the Tradium Word Processor. To do this, the PrinterName parameter enters the complete path and file name, with the extension of the file name determining the type of export.
For example: PrinterName:="c:\documents\mydocuments.pdf" means that the document will be saved as an Acrobat Portable Document (PDF).
Path and file name reference to an MS Word document or a Rich Text Formatted (.rtf) document.
Optional parameter to determine the number of copies to print. If omitted, the number is 1.
note for RTF documents:
For multiple copies, the print queue in TRADIUM processes each copy to be printed separately. Any "COPY" text is included on all copies - if indicated - except the 1st copy. If you do not use the copy text function for the document to be printed, you can also enter a negative number. This speeds up the printing process, because then only 1 copy is processed and the number of copies is set on the print unit.
Optional parameter. This is the printer name as defined in Windows.
Export function:
Path and file name of the export document to be created. Permitted extensions are: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .htm, .html, .rtf.
The print orientation, portrait or landscape, is printer-dependent.
Paper tray selection, is printer dependent. If not entered, TRADIUM selects the default set paper tray.
The quality, measured in DPI, is printer-dependent.
Two-sided printing capability, is printer dependent and is not supported by all printers.
Choice between color printing or in grayscale or monochrome, is printer dependent.
Paper size selection, is printer dependent.
See Also
Sub Main
   Dim sFile As String
   sFile = InputBox$("Bestand:")
   If SQL.PrintWordDocument( sFile, 2, "") Then
      Debug.Print "In duplu afgedrukt!"
   End If
End Sub