| SQL.RunQueryGet1Row(Query[, TimeOut])
| ||||||
| Performs a SELECT query and returns all fields from the first line of the result in an array variable.
This function is optimized for querying single-row queries; Even if a query has multiple lines, only the first line is retrieved and reported back.
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See Also
| andere SQL.RunQueryxxxxxxxx functies.
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| Sub Main
Dim sQuery As String, x as Integer
Dim A() As Variant
sQuery = "Select Bedrijfsnaam, Adres, Postcode, Woonplaats From Klanten WHERE Code = 'INTERN'"
A() = SQL.RunQueryGet1Row(sQuery)
Debug.Print A(0) 'Bedrijfsnaam
Debug.Print A(1) 'Adres Debug.Print A(2) 'Postcode Debug.Print A(3) 'Woonplaats End Sub
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