SQL Object
SQL.SendInternetMail(ToAddress, Message[, Attachment][, SenderName][, Urgent][, Confirm][, Subject])
Sends an e-mail message through the Tradium Mail Server over the Internet. If the message is successfully included in the sendqueue, the function returns TRUE, or FALSE otherwise.
A valid e-mail address. May also be multiple addresses separated by the semicolon sign (;).
note: CC and BCC addresses can also be added here, preceded by a CR/LF sign. See example
Message content. Headers, such as 'Subject:' can also be included in this message
Optional. Attachment that should be included. If single file, then a string value with full path and file name of the attachment.
If multiple attachments, specify an Array of String type containing the path and file names.
Optional. If entered, this name will be used as the sender in the mail. Example 'sales@mijnbedrijf.nl'. This ignores the part after the @ sign. TRADIUM only allows sender names from the internally registered domain name.
Optional. If True then the message is assigned a high priority. Default value is False.
Optional. If True then the message is accompanied by a read confirmation request. Default value is False.
Optional, alternative to the subject included in the message, such as ´Subject:'. If entered, the message itself is not searched for a subject.
See Also
Sub Main
   Dim sMsg As String, sFile As String
   sMsg = Inputbox$("Bericht:")
   If Len(sMsg) = 0 Then End
   sMsg = "Subject: Test" & vbCrLf & sMsg
   sFile = GetFilePath()
   Debug.Print SQL.SentInternetMail("info@instalbase.com" & _
                                     vbCRLF & "myccadres@website.com" _ &
                                     vbCRLF & "mybcc@website.com", sMsg, sFile)
End Sub