ADODB Object
streamobject.CharSet = string
string = streamobject.CharSet
Sets or returns a string value that specifies into which character set the contents of a text Stream are to be translated.
The CharSet property sets or returns a string value that specifies into which character set the text data will be translated by ADO. This property is not used with binary data.
The default character set is the Unicode format. Also, regardless of what character set is specified by CharSet, the data is always stored in the Unicode format inside the Stream object. The wisest course of action is to set the CharSet property before the Stream is opened. However, if the Stream is already open, you can set the CharSet property without ill effects only if the Position property of the Stream object is set to zero (which marks the beginning of the text data).
See Also
If (objStream.Type = adTextType) Then
   objStream.Charset = "ascii"
End If