ADODB Object
The ADO Parameter object provides detailed information about a single parameter used in a stored procedure or stored query.
Parameters are used to create Parameterized Commands. These are commands that, after they have been initially defined and stored, use parameters to change some detail in the text of the command before it is executed.
Each time a Parameter object is created, it is added to a Parameters Collection associated with a specific Command object. The Command object uses the Parameters Collection to pass these parameters in and out of the stored procedures and queries.
There are four major types of parameters: input, output, input/output and return.


Returns a long value defining the characteristics of a Parameter object.
Sets or returns a ParameterDirectionEnum value that defines the type of the Parameterobject (input, output, input/output and return).
Sets or returns a string that is the name of the Parameter object.
Sets or returns a byte value that is the number of digits allowed to theright of the decimal point for a numeric Field object.
Sets or returns a byte value that is the maximum number of digits allowed in a numeric Field object.
Sets or returns a long value that is the maximum size in bytes or characters of a Parameter object.
Sets or returns a DataTypeEnum value that specifies the data type.
Sets or returns a variant value that is the value of the Parameter object.


Used to append a large amount (i.e., a large chunk) of text or binary data to a Parameter object.