ADODB Object
variant = fieldobject.Value
parameterobject.Value = variant
Sets or returns a variant value that is the value of the Parameter object.
The Value property is used to set or return the value of the Parameter object.
Before you try to read the Value property, the Recordset should be closed. ADO can read the Value property of a Parameter object only once from the provider.
See Also
Field.OriginalValue, Field.UnderlyingValue, Field.Value, Property.Value, Recordset.CancelBatch, Recordset.CancelUpdate, Recordset.Update, Recordset.UpdateBatch.
Set objParameter = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Parameter")
objParameter.Type = adInteger
objParameter.Size = 3
objParameter.Direction = adParamInput
objParameter.Value = intCount
objCommand.Parameters.Append objParameter