ADODB Object
variant = propertyobject.Value
propertyobject.Value = variant
Sets or returns a variant that is the value of the Property object.
The Value property sets or returns a variant that is the current value of the Property object.
Properties can be set to read or write by using the Attributes property. You will not be able to set the Value for properties that are read-only.
See Also
Field.OriginalValue, Field.UnderlyingValue, Field.Value, Parameter.Value, Recordset.CancelBatch, Recordset.CancelUpdate, Recordset.Update, Recordset.UpdateBatch.
If (objConnection.Properties(strName).Attributes = adPropWrite) Then
   objConnection.Properties(strName).Value = intCount
   Debug.Print "WARNING: Cannot set value for " & strName
End If