ADODB Object
The ADO Property object contains a provider-specific property.
ADO can talk (connect) to a variety of database providers. Each of these providers will have slightly different ways of interacting with ADO. Therefore, ADO needs a way of storing information about the provider. The solution is to have the provider give specific information, called dynamic properties, to ADO. ADO, in turn, stores each provider property in a Property object and then stores each object in a Properties Collection that is assigned to the ADO object. There are four ADO objects that can have a Properties Collection. They are: Command, Connection, Field, and Recordset.
This ability to be flexible when handling the various idiosyncrasies of individual database providers greatly enhances the usefulness of ADO.


Returns a long value that is the sum of one or more FieldAttributeEnum valuesthat define the characteristics of a Property object.
Sets or returns a string value that is the name of the Property object.
Sets or returns a DataTypeEnum value that specifies the data type.
Sets or returns a variant that is the value of the Property object.