ADODB Object
The ADO Recordset object is used to contain the set of data extracted from a database.
The Recordset object is composed of records (which are also referred to as rows) and of fields (which are also referred to as columns).
The Recordset object should be considered to be the heart of ADO. Via this object, we can select desired data and change the data with additions, deletions, and updates. Equally important is the ability to move around inside the database. In fact, the Recordset object is blessed with an extremely comprehensive selection of properties, collections, methods, and events that allow extensive manipulation of the retrieved data and interpretation of the operational environment. However, the functionality of the provider may impose limitations. For example, some properties may not be available to the Recordset object depending on which provider is being accessed. You can use the Supports method to predetermine if a Recordset object will support a specific type of functionality.
Only the Connection and Recordset objects have events. Note that only the Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Visual J++ languages can handle these events. You cannot handle an event using the VBScript or JScript scripting languages.


Sets or returns a long value that is the current page number in the Recordset object,or the PositionEnum value (either BOF, EOF, or empty).
Sets or returns a long value that is the ordinal position of the cursor.
Returns a variant that is the Command object associated with the Recordset object.
Sets or returns a variant defining the Connection object to which the Recordsetbelongs, or returns a string value if there is no connection.
Returns a Boolean value indicating if the current record position is before the first record.
Sets or returns a variant value that uniquely defines the position of a record in a recordset.
Sets or returns a long value that is the number of records that are cached or are allowed to be cached.
Sets or returns a long value that is a CursorLocationEnum value which defines the location of the cursor engine (server-side or client-side).
Sets or returns a CursorTypeEnum value that defines the type of cursor being used.
Sets or returns a string value that names the data member referenced by the DataSource property.
Specifies the object containing the data member that will be represented as a Recordset object.
Returns an EditModeEnum value that defines the editing status of the current record.
Returns a Boolean value indicating if the current record position is after the last record.
Sets or returns a variant value that is either a string, array of bookmarks, or a FilterGroupEnum value used to filter data.You also use this property to turn an existing Filter off.
Sets or returns a string value that is the name of the index in effect.
Sets or returns a LockTypeEnum value that defines the type of locks that arein effect while editing records.
Sets or returns a MarshalOptionEnum value that specifies which records are to betransferred (marshaled) back to the server.
Sets or returns a long value that specifies the maximum number of records that can be returned to a Recordset object as the result of a query.
Returns a long value that is the number of pages contained in a Recordset object.
Sets or returns a long value that specifies how many records are on one page.
Returns a long value that is the count of how many records are in a Recordset object.
Sets or returns a string value that is a comma-delineated list of the names of which fields in the Recordset to sort.After each name, you can optionally add a blank space and the keywords ASC or DESC to designate the sort direction.
Sets or returns a string value that defines the data source for a Recordset object.
Returns a long value describing if the Recordset object is open, closed, or inthe process of connecting, executing, or retrieving.
Returns a sum of one or more RecordStatusEnum values describing the status of the current record.
For a hierarchical Recordset object, sets or returns a Boolean value defining whether the reference to the underlying child record, called the chapter, needs updating.


Use to create a new record.
Cancels the execution of a pending Open call.
Use to cancel a pending batch update.You must be in batch update mode.
Use to cancel any changes made to the current row or to cancel the addition of a new row to a Recordset. This must be done before performing an Update.
Creates a duplicate copy of a Recordset object by copying an existing Recordset object.
Closes a Recordset object.
Returns a CompareEnum value that compares the relative rowposition of two bookmarks in the same Recordset object.
Deletes the current record, a group of records, or all records.
Searches for a row in a Recordset that matches the given criteria.
Use to copy either all or a specified number of records into a two-dimensional array.
Returns the specified Recordset as a string.
Moves the position of the current record pointer.
Moves the position of the current record pointer to the first record.
Moves the position of the current record pointer to the last record.
Moves the position of the current record pointer forward to the next record.
Moves the position of the current record pointer back to the previous record.
Clears the current Recordset object and returns the next Recordset object.
When used on a Recordset object, this opens a cursor that is used to navigate through records.
Use to update (refresh) the data in a Recordset object.This is essentially equivalent to a Close followed by an Open.
Refreshes the data in the current Recordset object by re-synchronizing records with the underlying (original) database.
Saves the Recordset to a file or Stream object.
Uses the index of a Recordset to locate a specified row.
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether or not a Recordset object willsupport a specific type of functionality.
Use to save any changes made to the current row of a Recordset object.
Writes all pending batch updates to the underlying database.
The Fields Collection is a collection of all of the Field objects associated with a specific Record object.
The Properties Collection is a collection of Property objects. Each Property object contains a single piece of information, called a dynamic property, about the database provider. By referring to the Properties Collection, each connection to a provider can be tailored specifically by ADO to suit the exact needs of that provider.


Called if there is an attempt to move past the last row.
Called after all records in an asynchronous operation have been retrieved.
Called periodically during an asynchronous operation.Returns a long value stating how many rows have been retrieved.
Called after the values of one or more Field objects have been changed.
Called after the current position in the database has changed.
Called after one or more rows have been changed.
Called when there have been any changes made to the Recordset.
Called before the values of one or more Field objects are to be changed.
Called before one or more rows are to be changed.
Called before any pending changes are made to the Recordset.
Called before a pending operation can change the current position.