ADODB Object
ADO Field object contains information about a single field (column) in a Recordset object.
A Recordset object is composed of a collection of zero or more Field objects. Appropriately, this collection is called the Fields Collection. Only the Record and Recordset objects have a Fields Collection.


Returns a long value that is the actual length of a Field object's value.
Returns a long value that is the sum of one or more FieldAttributeEnum valuesthat define the characteristics of a Field object.
Sets or returns the format for displaying data.
Returns a long value that is the defined (maximum possible) size (data capacity) of a Field object.
Sets or returns a string value that is the name of the Field object.
Sets or returns a byte value that is the number of digits allowed to theright of the decimal point for a numeric Field object.
Returns a variant that is the value of a field in the database before any changes were made in the current session.
Sets or returns a byte value that is the maximum number of digits allowed in a numeric Field object.
Returns a FieldStatusEnum value that allows you to determine if a field has beensuccessfully added.
Sets or returns a DataTypeEnum value that specifies the data type.
Returns a variant that is the current field value as stored in the database.
Returns a variant that is the current (visible) field value in the current recordset.


Use to append a large amount (i.e., a large chunk) of text or binary data to a Field object.
Returns a variant that contains the specified amount (size) of binary or text data.


The Properties Collection is a collection of Property objects. Each Property object contains a single piece of information, called a dynamic property, about the database provider. By referring to the Properties Collection, each connection to a provider can be tailored specifically by ADO to suit the exact needs of that provider.