ADODB Object
variant = fieldobject.OriginalValue
Returns a variant that is the value of a field in the database before any changes were made in the current session.
The OriginalValue property returns a variant that is the value of the Field object as it existed in the record after the last Update or UpdateBatch method call, but before any current changes. This is possible because additions and deletions to the Field are cached until an update is performed. This is a quick way to get back to the original Field value.
Calling either the CancelBatch or CancelUpdate methods of the Recordset object will have the same effect as calling the OriginalValue property. The provider will return the value that the Field had after the last Update or UpdateBatch method call, but prior to any current changes.
See Also
UnderlyingValue, Value, Recordset.CancelBatch, Recordset.CancelUpdate, Recordset.Update, Recordset.UpdateBatch.
For Each objField In rsData.Fields
   Debug.Print objField.OriginalValue
   Debug.Print objField.UnderlyingValue
   Debug.Print objField.Value