ADODB Object
Moves the position of the current record pointer to the first record.
The MoveFirst method is called to move to the first record in the specified Recordset object.
If the current record has been modified and an Update has not been performed, then when you call MoveFirst, there will also be an implicit call to Update for the current record. If you do not wish to keep the changes to the current record, then you should call CancelUpdate before you call MoveFirst.
If the Recordset is using a forward only cursor, it is possible that the provider will re-execute the command that originally created the Recordset which will automatically place the current record pointer to the first record. Potentially, this could be a very time-consuming process.
This is one of four methods belonging to the Recordset object that allow you to navigate or move through a data record. The other three are MoveLast, MoveNext, and MovePrevious.
See Also
varBookMark = rsChantList.Bookmark
rsChantList.Find "ChantName = 'Oma' "
If (objRecordset.EOF = True) Then
   MsgBox "Record not found"
   rsChantList.Bookmark = varBookMark
End If