ADODB Object
variant or string = recordobject.ActiveConnection
Sets or returns a variant value defining the Connection object to which the Record object belongs (or a string value if there is no connection).
recordobject.ActiveConnection = string 
The ActiveConnection property sets or returns a string definition for a connection if the connection is closed, or returns a variant that is a reference to an open Connection object. This allows you to determine which Connection object will be used by a Command object to execute a command query, or to which Connection object that a Recordset object will be applied (opened).
The default is a null reference object.
You can also use the ActiveConnection parameter of the Open method of the Record object to set this property. When a Record is opened from an already existing Record or Recordset, it will automatically be set to the Connection object associated with the Record or Recordset. Similarly, when a Record object is opened from a URL, a Connection object is implicitly set.
See Also
Command.ActiveConnection, Command.Execute, Connection, Connection.ConnectionString, Recordset.ActiveConnection.
objRecord.ActiveConnection = strConnection