Union sub-queries are managed within the Union Panel in the top-right corner of the Query Building Area. Initially there's only one union sub-query labeled with the "Q" letter. All required operations are performed by means of context popup menus.

Union sub-queries can be grouped with other sub-queries and joined with different operators (UNION, UNION ALL, EXCEPT, INTERSECT).

To add a new union sub-query, select the New Union sub-query menu item.

To enclose the sub-query in brackets, select the Enclose in Brackets menu item.

To move the sub-query or bracket to the top of the query (the topmost sub-query is the left one), select the Move Left menu item.

To move the sub-query or bracket to the bottom of the query, select the Move Right menu item.

To remove the sub-query or bracket, select the Remove menu item.

To change the union joining operator, select the necessary operator in the list of supported operators in context popup menu.

Union Sub-Query operations:

Move Left

Move Right

New Union Sub-Query

Enclose In Brackets


Union sub-query operations

Operations with brackets:

Move Left

Move Right

Remove Brackets

Operations with brackets

Select union joining operator

Select uniting operator

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