

TX Text Control is especially powerful for importing images into word processing documents and supports a wide range of image file formats. There are basically three different approaches to image import:

Import as a character

Images that are positioned as a character are treated as any textual character in a line of text. They flow with the other text in a sentence.

Import to fixed position

Images that are inserted at a fixed position are stationary in the word processing document. TX Text Control automatically flows text around fixed images. End-users can, however, move these images around the page with a traditional drag-and-drop approach.

Anchored to a paragraph

Images can be inserted and attached (anchored) to a specific paragraph. Whenever the paragraph moves down a page - for example, when more text is added before it - the inserted image remains geometrically relative to the paragraph to which it is attached, and thus moves down the page with the rest of the paragraph.

TX Text Control offers end-users a dialog box, in which the behavior of the text flow can be determined. Additionally, images can be rescaled within in the word processing document. is voor de technische ondersteuning van Tradium Business Software, kijk op voor meer informatie.