

TX Text Control provides a rich set of formatting options for tables, cells and text contained within table cells.

Tables can be inserted into documents or other tables using the integrated dialog box or directly from program code. Frames and shading can be applied to cells and the cell contents can be formatted using any of TX Text Control's formatting options.

Selecting a font face, setting an indent or setting line spacing, for example, for text within a table cell is performed exactly the same as for text elsewhere in a document.

Cells can contain singular words or figures, entire paragraphs, graphics and even tables. Their height and width can be set independently from one another, either from program code or using the integrated dialog box.

Table cells can be accessed in a grid-like manner, enabling developers to fill in their contents from a database and perform calculations on the contents of rows and columns. is voor de technische ondersteuning van Tradium Business Software, kijk op voor meer informatie.